Birgit is committed to expanding the understanding of, and the respect for, the importance of honeybees in our environment. To share her substantial knowledge, Birgit has developed a series of demonstration programs for both children and adults. Topics cover the social interactions of honeybees, pollen and nectar collection activities, honey productions, and the evolution of beekeeping from medieval times to the 21st century. Visual aids include posters, beekeeping equipment, a beehive, insect samples. Special emphasis is put on the difference between wasps and bees and how to behave in their presence. A taste of honey and ideas for follow-up activities are also provided. Birgit's enthusiasm is contagious, and she has developed a well-earned reputation as a delightful speaker at Boston area  schools, clubs, libraries, and other organizations.

  1. -Talks for Tots: (40 minutes)
    -Insect Study Enrichment (60 minutes)

"A Year in the Life of a Beehive and its Beekeeper" (slide show, 60 minutes).

Important Notice:

I retired from my “Bee Talks”, but am delighted to introduce to you

Amelie Behaeghel who took over my enrichment programs, following my foot steps. She can be contacted at

In the meanwhile enjoy my videos (see home page).

Bee well

Educational Programs

deWeerd Bee Products

8 Crescent Avenue; Bedford, MA 01730

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