I am very proud of the honey my bees make for me. In a good year, I get around fifty pounds per hive. I have 3 to 4 hives and I harvest 2-3 times per season, thus keeping the distinct flavors of early summer (linden trees and blackberries), mid-summer (clover and other summer
blossoms) and late summer (purple loose strife) separate.
Aside of the regular honey ($7 / 8oz, $13 / 1 pd, $25 / 2 pd)there is also creamed honey (same prices) and honey comb ($18/ pd).
I don't have enough honey to sell over the internet. If you don't live in my area, you are best served by finding your local beekeeper. Get in touch with your county's beekeeper association and they will be able to help you find a local honey source. I mostly sell my honey at a few fairs, mainly around Christmas.
"This delightful and much acclaimed little book of essays about honeybees and their beekeeper, accompanied by the author's photographs, is a great gift for a nature-lover, gardener, or budding entomologist and beekeeper. You will be charmed by the author's enthusiasm and love for these most interesting insects and lose your fright by
getting to know them".
This is what one reviewer wrote about my book.
43 Pages; $ 7.00
You love your bees and you want to tell about them with my own water color 4X5.5 inch note cards (plus envelopes) of flowers most visited by honeybees, with interesting "bee facts" added.
$ 8.00 per pack of four, one of each design.
Beekeepers' Holiday Greeting Card of a gigantic snow sculpture (in my yard) with honeybees on a skep (old fashioned bee hive) and angels adding the heavenly touch with wishes of "Sweet Tidings..."
$ 9.50 per pack of seven 3 11/16 x 5 1/8 cards and envelopes.
These are beeswax ornaments made from traditional German molds. Hung in front of a light (without touching it) their translucence will give your Christmas tree magic glow.
I cannot make enough of these to sell over the internet.
If you cannot live without them, get in touch with me anyway and I'll see what I can do - or see me at the fairs.
Made according to an old beekeepers recipe, this soft and gentle
Beeswax and Olive Oil
Dry Skin Cream
is Nature's Answer to your suffering skin. Use it on lips, face, hands and anywhere.
Ingredients: beeswax, sodium-borate,
olive oil, water
0.3 oz. $ 4.00
2 oz. $ 10.00
4 oz $ 18.00.
..and inquire about my propolis cream
deWeerd Bee Products
8 Crescent Avenue; Bedford, MA 01730