This and the following page is information taken from my brochure:

Introducing Birgit deWeerd:

-Owner of deWeerd Bee Products
Middlesex County Beekeepers Association 

-Author: " Let Me Tell You About My Bees", a book of essays.

- Lecturer about honeybees in schools, libraries and clubs.

Birgit deWeerd is a beekeeper who turned a hobby into a lively business. A chemist by profession, Birgit first became fascinated with beekeeping 35 years ago, when a friend gave her a jar of honey produced by bees from her own hives. Ever the scientist, Birgit studied every aspect of the honeybee and began producing her own honey for family and friends. She soon expanded to the production of beeswax products, such as skin creams, holiday ornaments and candles.......

..........and, deWeerd Bee Products was born.

deWeerd Bee Products

8 Crescent Avenue; Bedford, MA 01730